Blog of Rachel A. Frank

Lessons I'm learning, books I'm reading, things I've been doing.

My perfectionism September 8, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsrfrank @ 5:06 pm

I have been noticing how much my ridiculous desire for perfectionism has gotten the best of me recently.  Especially when it has come to my family and home life.  Why do we, usually women, feel the need to be “perfect”.  Because there is no such thing.  As a great teacher once told me, “There was only one perfect person in this world and he died 2000 years ago.”   My kids can be rowdy once in a while, it’s not going to ruin them for life.   My husband doesn’t have to come home and remove his shoes on the mat, place his hat on the coat rack, and hand me his briefcase with a peck on the cheek  at exactly 5:05 pm each night for us to be a great happy couple.

Life is for sure this….unpredictable, so why try and act like it’s not.  Things happen, people don’t always oblige, and I need to learn to accept that.  I’m determined to let go of this before it get’s the best of me!

Does anyone else feel like things have to be “just so”?

Proverbs 16:1 We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer.


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