Blog of Rachel A. Frank

Lessons I'm learning, books I'm reading, things I've been doing.

“Find Your Stongest Life” by Marcus Buckingham October 7, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsrfrank @ 3:17 pm

_140_245_Book.88.coverThis book is really a great, easy to read, and insightful book.  It is a realistic and honest approach for women to find what they are most successful at.  It seems as though Marcus Buckingham really has great insight into how women are feeling in the current world we live in and he has some practical advice for those that need help feeling happy and whole.

I think it is also great for this book to come out at a time when women are feeling like they need to have everything and be everything.  Marcus clearly makes it known that this doesn’t have to be, that we need to find our “strongest moments” and focus on those if we really want to feel fulfilled in a extremely difficult culture.   No longer do you need to pretend to be someone you are not, and this book will give you the help to make this realization a reality.  This is not just for business women, this is for all women.  I hope to dig deeper and get to know more about my strongest moments.  The resources available in the book and through the website are very inpiring.  This would make a great group study with a close group of women as well!


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